Jim is a Realtor who sells multi-million dollar properties in the San Francisco Bay Area. He's been in Business for a long time, and completely relies on referrals and relationships. Every year he get's all of his Clients together for a very special night, and this year he wanted to capture it.

We created a plan, built a very small camera setup (so we could bring into the baseball stadium). Then we filmed the event, edited it into 2 videos, and gave them to Jim.

The 1st video (which is above), features 2 interviews of the Realtor, 9 interviews of his guests, and lots of fun moments from the night. It's designed to grab your attention by showing you this fun event, and lead you to the conclusion that a lot of people like and trust Jim as their Realtor.

Jim put this video on the homepage of his website, and posted it to his Social Medias. And his Clients, loved the video! Look at how many likes and comments he got on Facebook (as a guy who doesn't post too often):

The 2nd video we produced (which is above) was a fun, and thorough Testimonials video. Where we deep dive into 4 Powerful Client Testimonials, while going to a baseball game. I think this is a fun way to do a Client Testimonials video, because the Clients are relaxed, they're in a visually interesting environment, and it feels very authentic.

Jim posted this video to a Client Testimonials section of his website, and can share it directly with prospects who want to hear some testimonials.

(Here are some BTS pictures from the shoot)

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